Medical Clinic

Primary care services are the front line in basic health and wellness for our men, women, and children. Once up and running, our medical services will be considered charitable and no payment will be expected from the residents to receive medical care.

We will be providing a variety of health care services to our residents, services will include flu shots, common vaccinations and prescriptions for common family illnesses. Other specialty services offered at the clinic include, but are not limited to, the following: diabetic care, internal medicine, nutritional counseling, dermatology, blood testing, and electrocardiograms or x-rays.

Local medical clinics help manage chronic illnesses and diseases that afflict the residents of our community. Trained and accessible physicians educate us on self-care and living a healthier lifestyle.

We will also counsel and educate residents on safe health behaviors, self-care skills and treatment options. We will service residents that are not employed, do not receive health insurance benefits, and cannot afford to pay for “out-of-pocket” medical costs. Often these residents are forced to seek treatment at local emergency rooms and become saddled with medical bills that they are unable to pay. Our Medical Clinic will fill the gap in healthcare access for the uninsured and save emergency room resources for life threatening emergencies.

Our physicians will be responsible for taking care of the day-to-day health concerns. All emergency cases beyond the scope of services provided will be referred to the neighboring hospital.